anxiety therapy IN san diego & california



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Anxiety can feel like a million alarm bells going off in your head all at once.

Anxiety therapy quiets those alarms, so you can respond to stressful situations from a place of peace and security. Every aspect of life becomes more enjoyable because you are present in the moment, not stuck in your thoughts.

We’re here to heal anxiety in all its forms:


  • social anxiety

  • panic attacks

  • obsessive thoughts


  • a general sense of worry

our process

With anxiety therapy, you need to calm the body and the mind. Anything less will only get you halfway there.

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So much of what goes on in our minds begins elsewhere in the body. While you may not be able to silence anxious thoughts right away, you can start chipping away at them by sending a clear message to your nervous system: “I am safe.” This may seem impossible, but we’ll show you how.

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Once your body stops reacting with insomnia, flashbacks, or other physical symptoms, the mental work begins. You will learn to recognize and manage anxious thoughts before they spiral out of control. Instead of being at the mercy of your thoughts, anxiety therapy puts you in the driver’s seat.

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As anxiety lessens, you will find that stressful situations (past or present) no longer keep you up at night. You will feel free to engage with the world as it is right now, not as you fear it might become. With this comes a lasting sense of joy and peace.

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our approach

Therapy for anxiety can vary, depending on whether you are dealing with present worries or feel triggered by the past. Here are some possibilities:

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This technique is one of the best out there for treating traumatic memories. If you’re suffering from PTSD or panic attacks that are linked to a specific event, EMDR can help you move past the physical and emotional impact of your memories without having to relive them in session.

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Mindfulness Therapy

Feeling shame about your anxiety only makes it worse! In Mindfulness Therapy, you’ll explore your feelings with non-judgmental curiosity, uncovering the roots of your anxiety and making connections between the different areas of your life. Mindfulness Therapy also encourages you to be more aware of your body, first through intentional exercises and then throughout your day.

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Cogntive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) teaches us that our thoughts impact our emotions, which impact our actions. CBT is particularly helpful for social anxiety or a general sense of doom. This approach also incorporates mindfulness-based practices like deep breathing to address the phsyical side of anxiety.

 Meet Our Anxiety Therapists
